Indo-German Business Talk: Education and Economic Migration

The next instalment of our online Webinar series ‘Indo-German Business Talk’ will investigate currents and causal effects of the educational exchange between India and Germany.

The Webinar will take place on Zoom on 26 July from 11.00 CEST (14:30 IST) and last approximately one hour.

IGC Deputy Chairman, Dr. Matthias Catón, will moderate the discussion with panellists:

  • Dr Sarthi Acharya, Professor (Delhi Chair), Institute for Human Development, New Delhi
  • Dr Wido Geis-Thöne, Senior Economist, Family Policy and Migration Issues, German Economic Institute, Cologne
  • Silvia Niediek, Regional Manager, South Asia, iMOVE at the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn
  • Dr Vidya Yeravdekar, Pro-Chancellor, Symbiosis International University, Pune

Missed our previous Webinars? Watch them here:

  • Date : 26 Jul 2023
  • Time : 11:00 - 12:00 (Europe/Berlin)