Indo-German Business Talk: Digital Transformation and Healthcare

The next instalment of our online Webinar series ‘Indo-German Business Talk’ will investigate developments of the use of artificial intelligence and new technologies in healthcare in Germany and India; as well as the collaboration between the two countries and the nexus between technology, healthcare and business. The Webinar will take place on Zoom on 31 … Read more

Indo-German Business Talk: Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities

The next instalment of our online Webinar series ‘Indo-German Business Talk’ will investigate India and Germany’s technological innovations, notably in the context of ‘Smart Cities’ and the challenges and opportunities arising from urbanisation. With our panelists, the following discussion points (and more) will be addressed: What makes a city smart? Why is the topic of … Read more

Indo-German Business Talk: The Indo-German Investment Landscape

The next instalment of our online Webinar series ‘Indo-German Business Talk’ will investigate the economic relationship between India and Germany. With our panelists, the following discussion points (and more) will be addressed: What drives the economic attraction in both countries? Is the relationship one-sided? Is India filling economic gaps in Germany? Are we seeing a … Read more

Indo-German Business Talk: Women in STEM – Education & Practice

The next instalment of our online Webinar series ‘Indo-German Business Talk’ will focus on the topic of female participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects both in India and Germany. What are the trends of women studying STEM subjects and then entering a STEM career? What are the causes of the gender gap … Read more

Indo-German Business Talk: India & Germany – A Greener Automotive Industry

The second instalment of our online series ‘Indo-German Business Talk’ will address moving towards a greener automotive industry in India and Germany. How successful have initiatives such as the Indo-German Green Urban Mobility Partnership (GUMP) or Green Hydrogen Roadmap (IGEF) been? What changes in the automotive industry have we seen regarding climate change? What benefits … Read more

Indo-German Business Talk: Entrepreneurship in Germany and India

The first instalment of our new online series Indo-German Business Talk will address the topic of entrepreneurship in India and Germany. What are the differences between the two countries for launching a startup? Where are you better off as an entrepreneur? And finally, in which fields can entrepreneurs from both countries collaborate? These and more … Read more