Christian Garbe

Christian Garbe

Managing Director, Frankfurt Biotechnology Innovation Center (FIZ)

Dr. Christian Garbe has been the Managing Director of the FIZ Frankfurt Biotechnology Innovation Center since its founding in 2002. He completed his studies in agricultural sciences at Georg-August University in Göttingen and earned his doctorate in 1996 with an emphasis in economics and social sciences. Subsequently, Dr. Garbe began his professional career at Novartis in Basel, where he assessed the potentials of biotechnology for product developments. After transitioning to DZ Bank in Frankfurt, he analyzed pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies there and successfully managed a biotech fund. Dr. Garbe has special expertise in linking the financial, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology sectors. Under the management of Dr. Garbe, FIZ has established itself to be the place where scientific ideas and projects are globally moved from mind to market. The focus of his work is on the development of international business models and innovative, data-driven technologies, aiming at creating solutions for personalized health. In doing so, he consistently implements the megatrend of digitalization and the topic of industry 4.0, in which processes are digitized in a platform-based manner and used in practical applications.

All Sessions by Christian Garbe