Speaker Media Kit

Many thanks for accepting our invitation to speak at one of our events. We need some information from you to properly announce and promote it. Please fill out the form below. Many thanks for your cooperation!

Speaker Media Kit

Personal information

Please list your name and current position/affiliation as you would like it to appear in the agenda and official communication. You may include academic titles in your name, but please be aware that they may not always be used in all instances.

Bio note

Please submit a biographical note of yourself as a continuous text (no bullet points) of 80 to 150 words. Please write in the third person, that is, do not use the personal pronoun "I", and do not include links. It is not possible to use formatting such as bold text, italics etc.


We need a headshot photo. It should be a JPG or PNG, square or in portrait orientation with a minimum of 1,200 pixels on the narrower side.

Links and social media

Below you can submit URLs (links) to any of your online presences that we can refer to in our outreach efforts.