Business Diplomacy Today Podcast

Business Diplomacy Today addresses contemporary international relations and geopolitics, looking at the issues from a business perspective. It helps business leaders anticipate changing political and societal trends, build and leverage political networks and take a proactive stake in societal and political matters that influence their business environment.

Episode #025: US-German Transatlantic Relations

In Episode 25 host Matthias Catón is joined by Simone Menne, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany. In their discussion, Matthias and Simone address the intricacies of transatlantic relations between the US and Germany and how this relationship is shaped by geopolitics.

Following themes of economics, politics and international relations, Matthias and Simone discuss the current stand of the transatlantic relationship and the significance of US-German partnerships; notably in the context of the automotive and pharmaceutical industries. As the US prepares for the 2024 election, the episode investigates the potential outcome and the rise of right-wing parties within Europe. Simone and Matthias further discuss the necessity to maintain political stability and the repercussions that may occur following electoral results.

Further comparisons are made with the US’s dynamic business sector and the ageing population in Germany and, on a wider scale, Europe. Drawing on her experience of leading digital transformation, Simone explains the optimism behind leveraging new technologies and furthering sustainability efforts.

This episode is a must-listen for business leaders and policymakers to gain insights to the US-German relationship and understand predicted outcomes in the short- and long-term.