Business Diplomacy Today Podcast

Business Diplomacy Today addresses contemporary international relations and geopolitics, looking at the issues from a business perspective. It helps business leaders anticipate changing political and societal trends, build and leverage political networks and take a proactive stake in societal and political matters that influence their business environment.

Episode #005: India and China

In this episode, Dr. Matthias Catón interviews Sujan Chinoy, the Director General of the Indian think tank IDSA. The former Ambassador is an expert in Indo-China relations. They discuss the current political situation and the ongoing border conflict between the two countries, which has been going on for decades but is again tense since 2020. Despite the political and military tensions, trade between the two countries has increased over the past years.

They talk about attempts to decouple supply chains partially from China to make them less dependent on a country whose geopolitical ambitions may make cooperation more difficult in the future. Ambassador Chinoy sees excellent potential for India to benefit from this diversification, not least because of the demographic advantage of a young population.

Looking into the future, Chinoy believes that China has a long way to go to catch up to the United States economically and militarily. While he recognizes the potential of increasing global conflicts, he does not believe we will see a new bipolar world. Today’s complexities and interdependencies are too deep for such a simplistic division.